Monday, December 15, 2008

I saw my dad in my dreams ...

Last Night I dreamt of you father ,
Smothering your face behind your hand ,
When that tiny cracker streaked my hand ,
I saw a drop of tear , just because I had that minor tear .

This night I see you father ,
At the Marine you stand
Holding funeral fire in your hand,
It does shiver ,but your face says I will withstand .

Where did you get that courage from Daddy ,
I see my memories still run to continue to run in your head ,
keeping you awake , all night in your bed.

I dont dream now daddy, for I know I am here no more .
But Daddy I still learn from you daady ,
For you always make me feel alive ,
for I know I am a proud son of a Proud Dad.

~~This poem comes as a dedication from the Martyr to his father.(From Major Sandeep to his Dad ).
A father who stands with head held high when the whole country is moved by his valor .
Salute to Major Sandeep and the Salute to spirit of a FATHER.